Telemedicine services are offered throughout Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. Belleville and Quinte West Community Health Centre Telemedicine nurses coordinate appointments and assist the specialist and clients with required assessments before and during their appointments in Belleville, Trenton, Brighton, Picton, Tweed, Madoc, Marmora or Bancroft.
Telemedicine uses video cameras and TV screens to connect clients to providers, specialists, or other health care professionals throughout Ontario reducing the need to travel to a big city to receive care. Instead of the long drive to Toronto through rush hour traffic and finding parking, clients can stay in their home communities to connect with their specialist or allied health professionals for example endocrinologist, diabetic nurse educator or mental health specialists in the same way they would in a face to face appointment.
There is no cost to clients using Telemedicine services. All specialist appointments must be scheduled ahead of time as it is not a drop in clinic.
BQWCHC Telemedicine Team
The BQWCHC Telemedicine Services and OTN comply with the requirements of the Personal Health and Information Protection Act 2004. Clients can expect a secure, private and confidential session as they would in an in-person appointment.
Telemedicine Services currently included:
There are currently 26 specialties available via Telemedicine. Mental Health, Tele-dermatology, Fertility, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Pre and Post-op assessments for Surgery consults are just some of the areas we can access. Not all specialists use Telemedicine but we are adding new specialists monthly.
Referral Process
If you have questions about Telemedicine and referrals, you can call the Telemedicine Team.
Phone: 613-962-0000
Ask your specialist if your appointment could be done using Telemedicine. Ask your physician if a telemedicine referral is suitable for the health concern you have. The physician/nurse practitioner will complete a referral form and fax to Telemedicine Services to arrange appointment.
Physicians Print and Complete the Client Referral Form [PDF]
Fax Referral Form To:
Belleville and Quinte West Community Health Centre
Fax: 613-962-5669
Phone: 613-962-0000