Living Well with COPD


Living Well with COPD is a 5 week self-management education program developed to help people with COPD take charge and cope with their disease on a day-to-day basis in collaboration with their healthcare team.


Patients using the Living Well with COPD program experience an improvement of quality of life, and less hospitalizations, emergency department and unscheduled medical visits.


Topics Include:

- What is COPD?

- Breathing Management

- Energy Conservation

- Medications & Device


- Energy Conservation

- Medications & Device Technique

- Action Plan

- Managing Life Stressors

- Introduction to Exercises


WHEN: Fridays - Sept. 15, 22, 29, Oct. 6 & 13 from 10:00-11:30 am

WHERE: 70 Murphy St., Trenton

Registration is required.

Free & Open to Everyone! You do not need to be a client of the Community Health Centre to attend.

For more information, call the Program Secretary at 613-962-0000 x 233