Supporting Youth in Transition: A Lived Experience Guide



Free event in Person and by Zoom - Presentation and Discussion with Rainbow Caregivers Network founder Jackie Dales and son Ian

· Discussion about language and pronouns

· Personal journey through transition, Coming Out

· Social transition and medical transition

· Risk factors unique to trans folks

· 10 tips on supporting youth


When: Wednesday June 14, 2023

1:00—2:00pm Presentation by Jackie Dales and her son Ian

2:00—3:30pm Discussion and Networking


Where:  250 Sidney Street, Belleville

2nd floor Amphitheatre, enter building from back parking lot

Zoom option also available. Event being recorded.

Please register as space is limited, RSVP by Wednesday May 31

Contact Heather McColman 613-962-0000 x210 or

Come with an open heart and open mind